set gArticles = [["Partwork"], ["pic", "movie", "pic", "cutting", "cutting", "pic"]]
set gDates = [[], [0, 0, 0, "The Times, May 11, 1984", "The Times, April 12, 1993"]]
set gName = getat(["Carlson"],1)
In 1990 the Royal College of Art in London held an exhibition of "photocopy art". Students produced bizarre images by photocopying solid objects such as fish, horse saddles and insects#One of the early Xerox prototypes, the Model D Processor of 1953, took three minutes to make a single copy#Worldwide, the photocopying business is now worth $50 billion a year#In 1972, after leaks of secret Pentagon papers on the Vietnam, the New York Times wrote: "The real source of the leaks is Chester Carlson who invented the system which now dominates the federal government and influences the flow of information in every other big institution in this country"#Dictators hate photocopiers. In communist Russia they were strictly controlled, almost as if they were political dissidents; now they are everywhere. The Russian word otokserit, meaning 'to photocopy', is taken (believe it or not) from the name of the Xerox company